Wolfgang Prüggler is Managing Director at MOOSMOAR Energies OG. He studied electrical engineering and computer science at Technische Universität Wien and holds a Ph.D in Energy Economics, a M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and a M.Sc. in Computer Science Management. In May 2010 he finished his Ph.D with the thesis „Business models for active distribution grid management - development and economic impact analysis“. Since 2006 he is project leader in many national and international research projects focusing on: 


•  Smart Grid related business modelling 

•  Economic evaluation of grid integration of Renewables 

•  E-mobility development and system integration 

•  Cost/benefit analysis of sustainable energy projects. 


From July to December 2010 he conducted a research stay in Montréal-Canada and cooperated with Natural Resources Canada - Varennes Research Center in the area of Load Management and Electricity Storage.   


In August 2013 he founded MOOSMOAR Energies OG together with his wife Natalie Prüggler. 

Natalie Prüggler is Managing Director at MOOSMOAR Energies OG. She holds a degree in International Business Studies at the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol and a Ph.D in Energy Economics at Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt. In October 2013 she finished her Ph.D with the thesis "Current and future challenges of the electricity supply system: Economic analyses in the context of Smart Grids". During her Ph.D studies she cooperated with different universities and research institutes such as University of Vienna, Chair of Industry, Energy and Environment as well as Natural Resources Canada - Varennes Research Center in Montréal. 


Natalie Prüggler gained experience as a researcher and project leader in various companies and research institutes in the energy sector, such as the Institute of Renewable Energy at University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien. Her responsibilities involved acquisition, elaboration and management of numerous national and international research and consulting projects in the area of Smart Grids, Smart Cities, integration of Renewable Energies, strategic utilisation of  electricity storage, Demand Side Management, market and regulation. 


In August 2013 she founded MOOSMOAR Energies OG together with her husband Wolfgang Prüggler. 


Since 2017 she is manager of the Climate Adaptation Model Region “KLAR! Zukunftsregion Ennstal” with major focus on regional awareness building projects in the areas natural hazards and disasters in cooperation with numerous regional and national actors. 


Wolfgang Prüggler 

Natalie Prüggler 

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